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Did you know? There are approximately 3 million cooperatives worldwide, representing at least 1.2 billion members.

Celebrating the
International Year
of Cooperatives

Building a Better World Together!

About the International Year of Cooperatives 2025 (IYC 2025)

On June 19, 2024, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed 2025 as the International Year of Cooperatives, underscoring the vital role cooperatives play in sustainable development. This year’s theme “Cooperatives Build a Better World” underscores the enduring global impact of cooperatives, positioning them as essential solutions to today’s global challenges. It highlights their contributions to sustainable development across social, economic, and environmental dimensions, showing how cooperatives are key drivers in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030. The theme also emphasizes the unique ability of cooperatives to foster inclusive growth and strengthen community resilience.

The Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives (COPAC), a multi-stakeholder partnership uniting UN agencies and the International Cooperative Alliance, serves as the host of the International Year by championing and supporting people-centered and self-sustaining cooperative enterprises as leaders in sustainable development.

Did you know? Cooperatives span diverse sectors, including agriculture, banking, consumer, energy, fisheries, health, housing, insurance, and industry & services

Learn more about cooperatives

Objectives of the IYC 2025 are to:

Public Awareness

Highlight the contributions of cooperatives to sustainable development.

Promote Growth
and Development

Strengthen the entrepreneurial ecosystem and establishments for cooperatives.

Advocate for
Supportive Frameworks

Encourage the creation of enabling legal and policy environments for cooperatives globally.


Foster purposeful leadership and engage youth in the cooperative movement.

Together, let’s ensure that 2025 marks the beginning of a new era for cooperatives,

one that brings the goal of a more just and inclusive global economy closer.

Gilbert F. Houngbo

Director-General, International Labour Organization (ILO)

The values and principles of cooperatives make them directly relevant to sustainable development. Participatory decision-making, democratic control by members, equality, solidarity, cooperation and concern for the community are fundamental principles that underpin cooperatives and allow them to contribute to improving the world

H.E. Ms Paula Narváez

President of the United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

We call to cooperators worldwide to share their pride for what cooperatives are doing to build a better world, and to take advantage of the International Year of Cooperatives in 2025

Jeroen Douglas

Director General of the International Cooperative Alliance

The decision by the General Assembly could not be timelier. The innovative contributions of cooperatives for sustainable development will be crucial for accelerating progress in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals as we approach 2030

Li Junhua

Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs

This is the second time in history that the UN has dedicated an international year to cooperatives, and this is not a coincidence. Cooperatives are present in every aspect of our lives, and answering to each of the SDGs, everywhere

Ariel Guarco

President of the International Cooperative Alliance

The International Cooperative Alliance is the voice of cooperatives worldwide 

The International Cooperative Alliance unites, represents and serves cooperatives worldwide. Founded in 1895, tt is the apex body representing cooperatives, which are estimated to be around 3 million worldwide, providing a global voice and forum for knowledge, expertise and co-ordinated action for and about cooperatives

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Support the
International Year of Cooperatives 2025

Throughout the year, we will work together to raise awareness about the cooperative enterprise model. The UN General Assembly encourages establishing national coordination mechanisms for IYC activities, ensuring that global messages reach stakeholders at all levels. 

  • Governments & Policymakers: Develop supportive policies and regulatory frameworks that foster cooperative growth.
  • Cooperatives: Highlight your role in sustainable development, nurture leadership, and collaborate with other cooperatives.
  • Institutions & Development Agencies: Promote education, capacity building, and international cooperation to strengthen cooperatives.
  • The Public: Learn how cooperatives drive sustainability and support local cooperative initiatives.

Spread the Word! Use the official logo, visual identity, and hashtags (#iyc2025 #coopsyear #cooperativesbuildabetterworld) to highlight activities. Help us maximize the impact of IYC2025!

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the International Year of Cooperatives (IYC) 2025?

The International Year of Cooperatives 2025 is a United Nations initiative that recognizes and celebrates the essential role cooperatives play in sustainable development. This year-long celebration focuses on how cooperatives contribute to poverty reduction, economic resilience, and inclusive growth around the world

2. How can I get involved in the IYC 2025?

There are many ways to participate in the IYC 2025! You can attend or organize events, spread awareness about cooperatives in your community, use the official IYC 2025 logo, or become a partner or patron to support the cause. Visit our 'Get Involved' section to learn more.

3. Who can use the IYC 2025 logo, and how?

Non-UN organizations can apply to use the IYC 2025 logo for promotional or fundraising activities. Just review the logo guidelines and submit an online application with a signed waiver. Approval usually takes one to two weeks. Once approved, you’ll get a link to download the logo. The logo is available in multiple languages, including the six UN official ones. For additional language needs, contact

4. What are national mechanisms for the International Year of Cooperatives (IYC2025)?

National mechanisms, such as committees, are structures established to coordinate and harmonize activities for the IYC2025 at the country level. They bring together diverse stakeholders—governments, cooperatives, civil society, academia, and the private sector—to raise awareness, promote cooperative growth, and advocate for supportive policies that align with the goals of the IYC2025. For more information view the guidelines.